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I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

We believe that flowers should be enjoyed in the everyday moments of life.
Traditionally flowers have been used to celebrates life big moments like weddings, anniversaries, birthday and funerals. But why does there always need to be a reason for flowers. Why not "just because?"
Our greatest passion is to grow and share the beauty of fresh cut flowers with others for every moment big and smallest flowers because they aren't traveling hundreds and hundreds of miles before landing in the hands of the customer. We grow the flowers we sell. This makes our business very unique but also challenging at times because bugs, weather, weeds ya know?!
a little intro
Mother Daughter duo, Lisa McPhee and Alyssa Escobar started flower farming the summer of 2018. I was a sophomore in college studying Business Marketing while my mom Lisa was a stay at home mom. We started with a few short rows next to my parents house and quickly outgrew the space. We then moved to the land just south of the Oakdale Cheese and Specialities Factory and at the time our now farmstand wasn't being occupied by any other business. We then approached the owners and asked to rent the building from them and once approved we started construction transforming the inside. Since then our business has grown exponentially and we are constantly blown away by the support of our community. The land we now farm on is a little over 4 acres and we are constantly making improvement and adding infrastructure to help our flowers thrive in our very hot climate. We now have designed perennial and annual sections of the field as well as some raised beds. We are currently working on our a shade structure for our dahlias and have a hoop house in the works as well. We hope to use the hoophouse to start seeds and grow some seasonal flowers in crates. My mom and I have very different roles but we definitely both wear alot of hats in the company. My mom takes care of all the ordering and seed starting while also both managing the field. I am more of the behind the scenes gal. I take care of all the social media and marketing as well as the financials and running our awesome team of employees. We are constantly growing and learning because flowers farming doesn't come without its challenges. We do our best and plan and plant our hearts out to make each season a successful as possible. We are just doing our best with all the curveballs Mother Nature has been throwing out way. But honestly that's what makes it exciting. Keeps us humble and reliant on the Lord.
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